VHLSS 2014
The Vietnam Household Living Standards Survey 2014 (VHLSS 2014) is a nationally representative survey that collects information on various aspects of household welfare, such as income, expenditure, ed...
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About VHLSS 2014

The Vietnam Household Living Standards Survey (VHLSS) is a nationally representative survey that collects data on various aspects of household welfare, such as income, expenditure, education, health, housing, and employment. The survey has been conducted every two years since 2002 by the General Statistics Office of Vietnam. The VHLSS 2014 is the seventh round of the survey and covers 46,800 households in 3,648 enumeration areas across the country.

The VHLSS 2014 data can be used for a variety of research topics related to household living standards in Vietnam. For example, one study used the VHLSS data from 2010, 2012, and 2014 to investigate the relationship between environmental risks and poverty. The study used data on air pollution, tree cover loss, land degradation, slope, rainfall and temperature variability, and flood and drought hazards to measure the exposure of households to different environmental shocks and stresses. The study found that environmental risks have a significant negative impact on household welfare and poverty reduction in Vietnam.

Reseach ideas using VHLSS 2014

Some possible research topics using this dataset are:

  • The impact of environmental risks on poverty and inequality in Vietnam. This topic can use the VHLSS 2014 data along with spatial data on air pollution, tree cover loss, land degradation, slope, rainfall and temperature variability, and flood and drought hazards to examine how different environmental factors affect the living standards and well-being of different population groups in Vietnam .
  • The determinants and consequences of migration and remittances in Vietnam. This topic can use the VHLSS 2014 data to analyze the patterns and trends of internal and international migration and remittances in Vietnam, as well as their effects on household income, expenditure, education, health, and social protection.
  • The role of social protection programs in reducing poverty and vulnerability in Vietnam. This topic can use the VHLSS 2014 data to evaluate the coverage, targeting, and impact of various social protection programs in Vietnam, such as cash transfers, health insurance, social pensions, and food subsidies.

Another possible research topic using the VHLSS 2014 data is to examine the determinants and impacts of migration on household welfare. Migration is a common phenomenon in Vietnam, especially among rural households who seek better opportunities in urban areas. The VHLSS 2014 data can provide information on the characteristics of migrants and non-migrants, their income sources, their remittance behavior, and their access to public services. The data can also be used to analyze the effects of migration on household consumption, poverty, inequality, and human capital development.

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