VHLSS 2016
The dataset contains information on the living standards of different population groups in Vietnam, such as income, expenditure, education, health, housing, employment, social security and subjective ...
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About VHLSS 2016

The Vietnam Household Living Standards Survey 2016 (VHLSS 2016) is a nationally representative survey that collects information on various aspects of the living conditions of households in Vietnam, such as income, expenditure, education, health, housing, and social participation. The survey is conducted by the General Statistics Office of Vietnam (GSO) every two years since 2002. The VHLSS 2016 is the eighth round of the survey and covers 9,399 households in 3,648 enumeration areas across the country.

The VHLSS 2016 data can be used for various research topics that aim to understand and improve the well-being of the Vietnamese people. For example, one study used the VHLSS 2016 data to examine the role of education in the livelihood of households in the Northwest region, the poorest region in Vietnam . The study found that education has a positive effect on choosing better livelihoods, household income and poverty reduction, even after controlling for other factors. The study also suggested some policy implications to enhance the access and quality of education in the region.

Research ideas using VHLSS 2016

The VHLSS 2016 is a valuable source of data for researchers who are interested in studying various topics related to the socio-economic development of Vietnam. Some examples of research topics that use the VHLSS 2016 data are:

  • Monitoring and evaluating the progress of poverty reduction and socio-economic development in Vietnam;
  • Analyzing the determinants and impacts of household welfare and well-being;
  • Assessing the distributional effects of public policies and programs on different population groups;
  • The role of education in the livelihood of households in the Northwest region, the poorest region in Vietnam;
  • The impact of remittances on household consumption and investment;
  • The impact of remittances on household welfare and inequality in Vietnam;
  • The determinants and consequences of multidimensional poverty;
  • The relationship between health status and health care utilization;
  • The factors affecting household saving behavior and financial inclusion;
  • The effects of social capital and social networks on household welfare;
  • The determinants and consequences of child labor in Vietnam.
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